photo property of Jim Ward |
Selection & Culling
Written by Tacey Perkins and Robert Blosl
Welcome to Part 1 of this wonderful course, today we will cover
Selection and Culling. The reason I chose these topics to start on is to get
everyone on the same page for next month’s Breeding class. I am so thrilled to
offer this information to you. I wanted to be able to offer you some invaluable
information that you could use year after year to improve your Java
Flock. So I contacted one of the best! A man who has been known in
the chicken breeding industry for his RIR Bantams. He is also into other
heritage breeds like, White Plymouth Rocks in large fowl & bantams and
Barred Plymouth Rock large fowl. It is Mr. Robert Blosl! I for one was excited
to ask these questions and get the answers, because Mr. Robert Blosl is a pleasure
to talk to and a wealth of information. So please enjoy Part 1 explaining
Selection and Culling. We will cover from chick stage to adult stage. Also, if
you have any questions please feel free to contact me. I would be happy
to help you with anything I can. And for a special treat, Robert
has said he will help evaluate your birds, helping with the selection process.
All you need to provide are some nice, clear pictures of your birds. He will do
the rest. And if you would like to ask a specific question, just send it to me
and we will get it answered for next month’s class. Thank you everyone for
coming to class, lets begin!