by Glenis Marsh
His name was Watson H. Harwood M.D. of Chasm Falls (Malone) New York, Physician there for 52 years, Born: June 18, 1854-December 22, 1934. Information on Dr. W. H. Harwood is quite extensive since he appeared in the local news paper on a regular basis. There are multiple articles confirming he was a Coroner, Physician, Chairman of the County Committe of Prohibition and Author. Besides all of this, he Bred and showed multiple breeds of chickens and was the President of the American Java Association, the Proprietor of and on the Executive Committee of The National American Dominique Club and Columbian Wyandot Club. Anyone who lived in Chasm Falls (Malone) New York would have known him or of him.
BREEDS:The breeds I have consistently found records of him show and win are: Javas, Columbian, Partridge and Silver Penciled Wyandots, Dominique, Minorca, Buff Brahma, Rhode Island Red and Rose Comb Andalusians...That was not a typo. They must have existed!(Successful Poultry Journal page 54-Big Four Poultry Journal Vol. 15-16) I've also seen him advertise Games...The Ogdensburg News Tuesday, January 17 1911 - 102 years ago today!"Dr. W. H Harwood of Chasm Falls whose poultry specialty is Healthwood games. A rare bird in this country has arranged to make a display at the exhibition held here."I found a detailed listing of where he obtained his stock of Wyandots and Dominiques and mentions his Dominique stock is "From the oldest in the land and not Rose Comb Barred Rocks but real genuine Old American Dominiques" or “The Genuine Article”. He states his Wyandots are "The best blood America can produce". He stirred up a lot regarding the authenticity of the Dominiques but that's another story.
Dr. Harwood has authored various articles in popular poultry magazines as well. (Particularly the Dominique).Two Poultry titles for reference are "One or Several Breeds" and "The American Dominique Poultry Yards" 1907News of Interest include:The Ogdensburg News Saturday Febuary 4, 1911“The Ogdensburg papers are giving some prominence to the fact that a hen 20 years old is on exhibition at the poultry show in that city. Dr. W. H. Harwood of Chasm Falls states that he has a hen in his flock that is 15 years old and still active. This hen is known among her associated as a somewhat "scrappy" fowl and likes to boss things around the hen yard. The Dr. states that this old matron was considerably out of health recently but he put her in a pen with several other hens and after she had had three or four good fights she immediately regained her health--Malone Telegram”Could this old hen have been a precious Java???Also, In The News...The Adironak News VOL XIV NO. 9St. Regis Falls NY Saturday April 21 1900“There was a serious shooting affair in the southern part of the town Monday evening which possibly may result fatally and in any case it a most lamentable occurrence. The facts, as we are informed, were as follows: There was a dance at the house of Hannah Wood who resides about 3 miles from Chasm Falls and quite a number of young men from that section and a few from Malone village were present. A quarrel somehow got started between the country boys and the village large boys in the course of which George Duso of Malone drew a revolver and discharged it three times. One of the shots took effect in the body of Patrick H Johnson a little below the apex of the heart. The wounded man was at once taken to the office of Dr. W H Harwood of Chasm Falls who dressed the wound...”Dr. Harwood is now gone but the Java lives on!Resources:The Poultry Tribune, Volume 12, page 59, 61, 72, 1907Big Four Poultry Journal, Volumes 15-16, page 47, 54 1910Ogdensburg, Adironak, Utica Local News Papers 1900-1911
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